Sep 01, 2020 12:00 PM
International Director, Shade


Claire earned her degree in Psychology and K-8 Education certificate from Seattle Pacific University. She taught in Louisiana before moving to Tanzania to start Shade, which she led with her husband Mike from 2014-2018. Claire now serves in the U.S.

What is Albinism?

Albinism is a genetically inherited condition resulting in reduced pigment in the skin, eyes, and hair. Approximately one in every 1,400 children born in Tanzania is born with albinism. This is the highest rate in all of Africa and a significantly higher rate than in Europe and North America, where approximately one in 20,000 people has albinism.


The Problem

If you are born with albinism in Africa, there is a great likelihood that you will face violence and discrimination. Dangerous witchcraft beliefs lead to the brutal maiming and murder of people with albinism for their body parts, which are then used in ritual thought to bring luck and wealth. Since killing began to increase in 2006, many children have been moved to government-run protectorate centers throughout the country.

People with albinism are also outcasts in society. In many cases, mothers are advised to kill their babies with albinism. Often parents consider their children with albinism useless and do not enroll them in school. Those who do attend school face the challenge of low-vision and teachers who are usually ill-equipped to accommodate them. They are outcasts among their peers.

There are also health risks for people living with albinism. With little or no skin pigmentation, they are left vulnerable to the intense African sun and face high rates of skin cancer.

For more information, go to:


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ZOOM meeting schedule:
11:50 - Join the meeting early if you would like to chat with fellow members before the meeting.
12:00 - Meeting opens with a few minutes allowed to admit remaining members to the meeting.
12:05 - President Colin will call the meeting to order.
ZOOM TIP: Keyboard shortcuts
If you want to get adventurous…..
Zoom comes with a bunch of shortcuts to allow you to perform quick actions. Here are some of the participant keyboard shortcuts for the most used features.
Screenshot: Command + T or Alt + Shift + T
Join Meeting: Command + J
Leave Meeting: Command + W
Mute/unmute audio: Command + Shift + A or Alt + A
Push to talk: Space
Start/stop video: Command + Shift + V or Alt + V
Enter/exit full screen: Command + Shift + F or Alt + F
NOTE: The Command key is Mac only
On behalf of our club, Allan Sands and Sharon West delivered $50 Target gift cards to 63 teachers and nurses at Lawrence and Benton Elementary schools last Wednesday to help them buy supplies for this school year. Sharon reports that both schools were very appreciative. 
Last week
Visiting Rotarians
Rod Kreie, PDG, Newton Club
Geri Appel, PDG, Downtown Club
Connie Zienkewicz, Pres., Sunrise Club
Attendance: 50% 
Membership: 60
Bob Benson - September 2
For those ready to get out and golf, the Sunrise Rotary Club is having their annual GOLF TOURNAMENT on Monday, September 14, at Reflection Ridge Golf Course. Everything will be done outside and golf carts can be done on a solo basis. Check-in will be at 11:00 with a shotgun start at 12:00 noon. To register, go to: 
July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
President - Colin McKenney
President-Elect - Randy Bowles
Secretary - Rod Brown
Treasurer - Sean Babjak
Club Service - Kandace Day
Community Service - Allan Sands
International Service - Mark Hansen
Vocational Service - Pam Chambers
Foundation - Monty Allen
Membership & PR - Joey Timmer
Immediate Past President - Vern Klassen
The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do:
  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  3. Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?