Club Visioning
Last Fall, Colby Reynolds, Club President, and Ed Frey, President-Elect, presented information to the board about participating in a Club Vision Facilitation with a goal to create excitement and more participation in our club. On March 5, a group of 15 of our members, representing our past, current, and future leaders, met for a 4-hour Visioning session with Rotary Facilitators to develop goals with an action plan under a 3-year Master Plan.
About Club Visioning…
Visioning is the foundation of a successful club, bringing its members together towards building…
- Continuity of leadership
- Consistency in programing
- Consensus towards purpose and action.
The visioning process allows the club to develop a strong path toward the future providing a road map that is easy for leaders and members to understand and serves as a foundational piece for any club that wants to grow and become more effective. This step becomes the Vision to Success.